Web Development Marketing - Case Study


The Client

Regional Development Australia (RDA) support, promote and disseminate information on government policy initiatives for the benefit of local communities. As a part of the Toowoomba Region Jobs Committee, RDA administers the Employ Toowoomba initiative.

The core aim of Employ Toowoomba is to plan for and prepare the Toowoomba region for the workforce of the future. They provide employers with the right connections and locally relevant resources so that they can fill job vacancies and become an in-demand employer. Plus they support individuals looking for work in Toowoomba with locally relevant resources, a jobs board, and connections to local programs and recruitment services.

The Problem

Regional Development Australia came to us looking for an actionable strategic marketing plan for the growth and success of Employ Toowoomba.

There were three main objectives that they wanted to achieve, which included adding quality employer and job seeker resources to their website and promoting these to their audiences, they wanted to increase website sessions by 20% per month, and they needed to increase brand awareness within primary audiences.

We found it was essential that the website be rewritten and redeveloped in order to meet the objectives. We undertook all of the research, copywriting, and SEO, plus sourced images and provided it to RDA’s website designer.


The Solution

  • Strategic Marketing Plan 
  • Brand Messaging 
  • Website Copywriting
  • Content Marketing
  • Email Marketing 
  • Media 
  • Brochures
  • Banners

The Results

Website Copywriting and Design Strategy

The redevelopment and marketing of the website resulted in a 1265% increase in website sessions and a 2-minute increase in average session length which far exceeded targets.

Take a look at the new Employ Toowoomba website here.

Brand Messaging

Building a Stronger Workforce for the Toowoomba Region
Empowering employers to fill their jobs and improve their workforce, and job seekers to plan and achieve their career goals, so we can grow the Toowoomba region together.